National Fellowship of Raceway Ministries director Roger Marsh interviews Billy Dickey, director of Alabama Raceway Ministries. They talk about some of the history of the Talladega Super Speedway, as well as some of the historical developments of the NFRM as related to outreach at the famous Super Speedway. Billy Dickey provides a detailed description of the expansive outreach at Talladega, that includes locations both on TSS property, as well as ministry at some of the privately owned camp grounds near the speedway. Reference is made to the many outreach activities that have taken place during pre-COVID years with 200 – 275 volunteers in 8 campground locations, followed by Billy’s description of how ministry at the recent Spring 2021 NASCAR race weekend greatly contrasted in terms of locations and number of volunteers. Nevertheless, effective ministry took place, and plans are for things to continue returning to normal as Talladega and Alabama Raceway Ministries move toward the next NASCAR weekend in October.